I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.” I always loved this 1972 Johnny Nash hit for its optimism and upbeat tempo. Once the clouds are gone, he sees “the rainbow I’ve been prayin’ for.”
For many of us, October 7 provided the same clarity — but without the rainbow. The shock was something we could scarcely have imagined. Turns out, there were lots of Palestinians who didn’t just want a better life. Turns out, universities in 2023 were okay with antisemitism that we thought died in the 1930s. And turns out, many young socialists and fellow travelers don’t just have a different political vision for Israel. They want it wiped off the map.
I know few people who could have imagined a lack of clarity as to whose side Americans should be on with regard to Hamas and Israel. Hamas is certainly clear on this subject, and if they shared a border with Montana, they would be happy to clarify their feelings to any Americans who remained confused.
We don’t like talking about “foes,” and we don’t spend enough time recognizing our friends. When President Reagan referred to the Soviet Union as the “evil empire” in a 1983 speech, he was met with derision by those who felt that it was needlessly bellicose. Vladimir Putin is doing his best to confirm Reagan’s instincts and clarity. America and the Jews have real enemies that mean us existential harm. Pretending that the world has evolved past that does us and our children a disservice and leaves the next generation with a far more dangerous future.
The verse in Psalms reminds us that “those who love God hate evil.” We are raised not to hate. But hating evil is not just okay. It’s required. Standing with Hamas is standing against the Jewish people and against the American people. While it’s fine to question the tactics of Israel — though I question the depth of military knowledge of some who do — there should be no question about who is right and good and who is wrong and evil in this war.
This moment also calls on us to thank our friends and deepen our relationships with those who have demonstrated such friendship. Maybe fewer surprises here, but the old adage of “a friend in need is a friend indeed” has proved true. In our hour of need, people stepped up, from the New York construction worker confronting a man tearing down posters of Israeli hostages to Senator John Fetterman, who went from being “that guy with the hoodie” to a pro-Israel superhero.
The ability to “see clearly now” afforded to us after October 7 hasn’t been pleasant. But it’s been vital. We have allies and adversaries. That makes the action we need to take easier. “Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.” We don’t yet have that rainbow, and we have some hard times ahead. But bright sunny days await those who see past the rain.