The war in Israel and the legacy of Jewish political apostasy
“Last night, I played the tiniest of roles in one of the most momentous events of my life...”
The right to privacy in Israel is shrouded in ambiguity
If Israel is not on the geographic frontier of the next great U.S. foreign-policy struggle, it is on the technological frontier, thanks to seeds planted long ago by the United States itself
To give a moral account of decision making is the ultimate act of ethical discourse
At some point, the fighting will end. What comes next?
“I am my own contradiction: a clean white button-down shirt and an M16 across my back. The clothes feel stranger than the rifle.”
“Our tradition insists we act responsibly, but with maximum urgency.”
“In what bizarro world are the victims of an undeniable war crime also the victims of erasure on college campuses across the United States?”
“It no longer serves us to be so buttoned-up, because American society is so much less buttoned-up.”